my annotation meanings
- I put a - for when I have a comment or some type of thought on the text .
- I put a ? for when i came up with a question or I need more explanation on the text that i didn’t understand.
- Underlining something that I find important or if I feel it’s something that could come up in the future.
- I used first and second alot to make sure I understood which point was about first order and which one was about second order thinking.
- ?!!! was used if Its not only a question i have on the text but if it’s something I really needed clarified.
1. I learned that my classmates use underlining to show important facts or things they find interesting. My classmates used two different color highlights to show the two different orders. Also, some used one and two to show the order thinking the text is talking about. Some people used question marks for when they didn't understand or when they had a question.
2. Annotating texts is important because it helps you connect to the text more. Also it can give you a more clear understanding what the author is actually talking about. It gives you a chance to ask questions if you need to or make comments on the text. Annotating gives you a chance to break down the text so that it sticks with you more rather than just reading it and then forgetting everything you read.
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