Two journals
A Qualitative View of Drug Use Behaviors of Mexican Male Injection Drug Users Deported from the United States
Drug tourists and drug policy on the U.S.-Mexican border: An ethnographic investigation of the acquisition of prescription drugs

Part 2
Both theses articles are not on the exact same thing. The researchers however found similar and different concepts. In the “A Qualitative View of Drug Use Behaviors of Mexican Male Injection Drug Users Deported from the United States” journal he defined the concept that Male deportees frequently felt that their drug use behaviors or involvement in the drug economy in the United States contributed to their deportation. While the “Drug Tourist…” journal defined a concept of group appeared to be predominantly poor, working-class whites from Texas and adjacent states who live within several hours drive. Both journals are similar concepts because they both target those of the poor or those around drug economy. My first articles argument is “deportees would benefit from binational collaborations to reduce illicit drug use and the transmission of blood-borne infections(p.114) “. While my second articles is there is four steps in Mexico before purchasing pharmaceutical drugs.

Part 3
Conventions for both - acquisitions, observations, headings, results, footnotes, publishers, statistics, references. The author's purpose for writing both these journals is to let people know what is causing the drug use and how people of the lower class and people that have nothing tend to use drugs more because they feel as if they have nothing in life for themselves. The author’s audience is those of the health fields and the fields of criminal justice. The first journal mainly targets the National Institution on Drug Abuse. The second journal targets basically the same people but they are more worried about the drug enforcement agency and pharmacies because people are getting drugs easily through the pharmacies even though its a four step process. I would characterize their writing style as descriptive because both journals are trying to inform people about the drug abuse in the world and what’s causing it.

Part 4
The aspects of the articles that strike me as the most important is the reasons why people do drugs. I find this important because there could be a way to stop drug abuse if there is ways to help these people out. The poor do drugs because they are basically giving up on life due to the fact they know they don’t have anything in life they could work hard but they feel it’s not enough to help them get on their feet. The most interesting part was finding out that people get drugs through pharmacies really easily even though its suppose to be a tough process. This is interesting to me because I wonder how people do it and work around prescriptions and doctors to get the drug.


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