
Showing posts from October, 2018

elevator pitch draft

introduction of myself and then  Drug addiction is a very serious predicament not only in Mexico and the US, but all around the world. The reason why I am choosing mexico and the US to compare and contrast is to show the approaches to this topic from both sides. Both areas have mainly the same routine, by sending drug abusers to rehabilitation centers until the patient leaves or is cleared. There are much more abusers in america, though drugs are mainly produced in mexico, leading to an increase in help lines and people reaching out in america. The interest i take in this is the unending battle against drugs and other related substances in the world and the treatment centers that are there to help and reach out to these lost abusers. Treatment centers play a very important role and save lives day after day. completely explain my project after those facts

wp2 rubric

                                                 Did not meet Met  exceeded Information for both articles is presented Everything is cited that has to be cited Able to understand what the research project will be on Information for both articles is presented Everything was neat and clear on slides Elevator pitch.... An Elevator pitch is a succinct and persuasive sales pitch that makes the audience more interested  it sparks interest in what your trying to do or sell. Clothing boutique    Strengths- she added life experiences to her speech, she knew what she wanted to say, she advert...


Two journals A Qualitative View of Drug Use Behaviors of Mexican Male Injection Drug Users Deported from the United States Drug tourists and drug policy on the U.S.-Mexican border: An ethnographic investigation of the acquisition of prescription drugs Part 2 Both theses articles are not on the exact same thing. The researchers however found similar and different concepts. In the “A Qualitative View of Drug Use Behaviors of Mexican Male Injection Drug Users Deported from the United States” journal he defined the concept that Male deportees frequently felt that their drug use behaviors or involvement in the drug economy in the United States contributed to their deportation. While the “Drug Tourist…” journal defined a concept of group appeared to be predominantly poor, working-class whites from Texas and adjacent states who live within several hours drive. Both journals are similar concepts because they both target those of the poor or those around drug economy. My first articles argume...

PB2A parts 3-5

part 3-  what causes adults/teenagers to abuse substances?             what type of areas is substance abuse most likely to occur?             Are teenagers or adults more likely to abuse substances?             Are men or women more likely to abuse substances?             How is substance abuse in Mexico similar/different than Philadelphia? part 4- keywords  substance abuse+ policing+ Mexico+ young adults            part 5- Ojeda, Victoria D., et al. "A Qualitative View of Drug use Behaviors of Mexican Male Injection Drug Users Deported from the United States."  Journal of Urban Health , vol. 88, no. 1, 2011, pp. 104-117. Nowotny, Kathryn M., et al. "Risk Environments and Substance use among Mexican Female Sex Work on the U.S.–Mexico Border."  Journal of Drug Issues , vol. 47, no. 4, 2017, pp. 528-542....

PB2A parts 1&2

Oren M. Gur Dr. Glenn Sterner Professor Oren M. Gur studies Criminal Justice. He has research interest in Substance use, Privilege, Pretrial supervision, Interpersonal violence, Policing, Criminal justice technologies, Research methods, Neutralization theory. He also does research studies involving students in policing with montgomery police. He has many publications if you look at his bio. For example, his most recent in 2017 was Terrorism as self-help: Accounts of Palestinian youth incarcerated in Israeli prisons. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. Policing is the most intriguing to me because it’s such a broad topic. Also I find substance abuse most intriguing because there is so many things happening today in this world with drugs. Drugs are causing major deaths from overdosing to just passing out and losing your mind. If I had to devote a long time studying something in this field it would probably be policing neighborhoods and crime. I would want to do that because I want...